November 18, 2021
2 mins

Feature zoom: asset bookings

As a manager, you may want to simply assign equipment or vehicles to people, locations or projects.

But in some cases, you need to record the state of the assets along with additional check-out and check-in details. Bulbthings also allows you to manage asset bookings. There are 2 ways to go about it:

Via booking manager

Most popular for: PPE, IT equipment

As a manager, you can assign equipment to team members and useful information about their state at check-out or check-in. Team members do not necessarily need access to the Bulbthings app, they can receive a booking notification and sign off on the lend with a simple web page.

Email notification about the booking of an asset

Self-service mode

Most popular for: tools, vehicles

You may want to allow team members to book equipment or vehicles and return them on their own. They can use Bulbthings app to search on equipment availability and book them in advance or book them on the spot by scanning their QR code.

Mobile app showing 2 selected asset ready to be booked

When returning assets, the user can flag an issue and take a picture of the equipment. The manager will automatically receive a notification so they can handle the incident adequately.

There are many ways to track all your bookings with Bulbthings (e.g. lists, filters). Bulbthings multi-dimensional planning view allows you to visualise your booking planning by people or equipment. It’s colour-coded so you can quickly see what’s ended, late, ongoing or upcoming.

two planning screenshots on top of each other

If you have operations in different sites, Bulbthings allows you to display the latest GPS position of equipment that were scanned by your team members when they booked them.

Assets displayed on a UK map

Need help with your asset bookings?
Book a quick demo with us

Coming up next: a zoom on maintenance.